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Why do small businesses have trouble finding qualified employees?

Working so closely with small businesses, I hear the challenges and frustrations of finding qualified employees.

The most common reason I hear from small business owners is that they can't compete with the larger companies when it comes to salary and benefits.

This is true and although salary and benefits are important, I have worked with small businesses who have never laid off before. Sometimes, knowing that a company has never had to lay anyone off outweighs salary and benefits.

Another common reason small businesses have trouble finding qualified employees is that there are fewer opportunities to move up or around the organization than a larger organization.

Working for a small business allows individuals to have more input when it comes to changes or processes and you are much more visible and can make a stronger impact than just being a number at a larger organization.

To some, this is an attractive reason to pursue working for a small business.

Why does your small business have trouble finding qualified employees?

If you are a small manufacturer or small business having difficulty identifying and attracting quality employees, Contact Us today to learn how we might be able to help you.


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